The following parameters need to be specified as parameters in init_regulation()
- 1: Rated power [kW]
- 2: Minimum rotor speed [rad/s]
- 3: Rated rotor speed [rad/s]
- 4: Maximum allowable generator torque [Nm]
- 5: Minimum pitch angle, PitchMin [deg], if |PitchMin|>90, then a table of <wsp,PitchMin> is read from a file named ‘wptable.n’, where n=int(PitchMin)
- 6: Maximum pitch angle [deg]
- 7: Maximum pitch velocity operation [deg/s]
- 8: Frequency of generator speed filter [Hz]
- 9: Damping ratio of speed filter [-]
- 10: Frequency of free-free DT torsion mode [Hz], if zero no notch filter used
Partial load control parameters
- 11: Optimal Cp tracking K factor [Nm/(rad/s)^2], Qg=K*Omega^2, K=eta*0.5*rho*A*Cp_opt*R^3/lambda_opt^3
- 12: Proportional gain of torque controller [Nm/(rad/s)]
- 13: Integral gain of torque controller [Nm/rad]
- 14: Differential gain of torque controller [Nm/(rad/s^2)]
Full load control parameters
- 15: Generator control switch [1=constant power, 2=constant torque]
- 16: Proportional gain of pitch controller [rad/(rad/s)]
- 17: Integral gain of pitch controller [rad/rad]
- 18: Differential gain of pitch controller [rad/(rad/s^2)]
- 19: Proportional power error gain [rad/W]
- 20: Integral power error gain [rad/(Ws)]
- 21: Coefficient of linear term in aerodynamic gain scheduling, KK1 [deg]
- 22: Coefficient of quadratic term in aerodynamic gain scheduling, KK2 [deg^2] (if zero, KK1 = pitch angle at double gain)
- 23: Relative speed for double nonlinear gain [-]
Cut-in simulation parameters
- 24: Cut-in time [s]
- 25: Time delay for soft start of torque [1/1P]
Cut-out simulation parameters
- 26: Cut-out time [s]
- 27: Time constant for linear torque cut-out [s]
- 28: Stop type [1=normal, 2=emergency]
- 29: Time delay for pitch stop after shut-down signal [s]
- 30: Maximum pitch velocity during initial period of stop [deg/s]
- 31: Time period of initial pitch stop phase [s] (maintains pitch speed specified in constant 30)
- 32: Maximum pitch velocity during final phase of stop [deg/s]
Expert parameters (keep default values unless otherwise given)
- 33: Lower angle above lowest minimum pitch angle for switch [deg]
- 34: Upper angle above lowest minimum pitch angle for switch [deg], if equal then hard switch
- 35: Ratio between filtered speed and reference speed for fully open torque limits [%]
- 36: Time constant of 1st order filter on wind speed used for minimum pitch [1/1P]
- 37: Time constant of 1st order filter on pitch angle used for gain scheduling [1/1P]
Drivetrain damper
- 38: Proportional gain of active DT damper [Nm/(rad/s)], requires frequency in input 10
- 39: Overspeed percentage before initiating turbine controller alarm (shut-down) [%]
Additional non-linear pitch control term (not used when all zero)
- 40: Err0 [rad/s]
- 41: ErrDot0 [rad/s^2]
- 42: PitNonLin1 [rad/s]
Storm control command
- 43: Wind speed ‘Vstorm’ above which derating of rotor speed is used [m/s]
- 44: Cut-out wind speed (only used for derating of rotor speed in storm) [m/s]
Safety system parameters
- 45: Overspeed percentage before initiating safety system alarm (shut-down) [%]
- 46: Max low-pass filtered tower top acceleration level before initiating turbine controller alarm (shut-down) [m/s^2]
Turbine parameter
- 47: Nominal rotor diameter [m]
Parameters for rotor inertia reduction in variable speed region
- 48: Proportional gain on rotor acceleration in variable speed region [Nm/(rad/s^2)] (not used when zero)
Parameters for alternative partial load controller with PI regulated TSR tracking
- 49: Optimal tip speed ratio [-] (only used when K=constant 11 = 0 otherwise Qg=K*Omega^2 is used)
Parameters for adding aerodynamic drivetrain damping on gain scheduling
- 50: Proportional gain of aerodynamic DT damping [Nm/(rad/s)]
- 51: Coefficient of linear term in aerodynamic DT damping scheduling, KK1 [deg]
- 52: Coefficient of quadratic term in aerodynamic DT damping scheduling, KK2 [deg^2]
When using the init_regulation_advanced()
the following inputs need to be added
Torque exclusion zone
- 53: Torque exclusion zone: Low speed [rad/s]
- 54: Torque exclusion zone: Low speed generator toque [Nm]
- 55: Torque exclusion zone: High speed [rad/s]
- 56: Torque exclusion zone: High speed generator toque [Nm]
- 57: Time constant of reference switching at exclusion zone [s]
DT torsion mode damper
- 58: Frequency of notch filter [Hz]
- 59: Damping of BP filter [-]
- 60: Damping of notch filter [-]
- 61: Phase lag of damper [s] => max 40*dt
Fore-aft Tower mode damper
- 62: Frequency of BP filter [Hz]
- 63: Frequency of notch fiter [Hz]
- 64: Damping of BP filter [-]
- 65: Damping of notch filter [-]
- 66: Gain of damper [-]
- 67: Phase lag of damper [s] => max 40*dt
- 68: Time constant of 1st order filter on PWR used for fore-aft Tower mode damper GS [Hz]
- 69: Lower PWR limit used for fore-aft Tower mode damper GS [-]
- 70: Upper PWR limit used for fore-aft Tower mode damper GS [-]
Side-to-side Tower mode filter
- 71: Frequency of Tower side-to-sede notch filter [Hz]
- 72: Damping of notch filter [-]
- 73: Max low-pass filtered tower top acceleration level before initiating safety system alarm (shut-down) [m/s^2]
Additional filters
- 74: Time constant of 1st order filter on pitch angle used for switch [1/1P]
- 75: Time constant of 1st order filter on tower top acceleration used for ShakeGuard [1/1P]
Gear ratio
- 76: Gear ratio (To be used only if input #2 refers to HSS)
- 1: general time [s]
- 2: constraint bearing1 shaft_rot 1 only 2 [rad/s] Generator speed (Default LSS, if HSS insert gear ratio in input #76)
- 3: constraint bearing2 pitch1 1 only 1 [rad]
- 4: constraint bearing2 pitch2 1 only 1 [rad]
- 5: constraint bearing2 pitch3 1 only 1 [rad]
- 6-8: wind free_wind 1 0.0 0.0 hub height [m/s] global coords at hub height
- 9: elec. power [W]
- 10: grid flag [1=no grid,0=grid]
- 11: Tower top x-acceleration [m/s^2]
- 12: Tower top y-acceleration [m/s^2]
- 1: Generator torque reference [Nm]
- 2: Pitch angle reference of blade 1 [rad]
- 3: Pitch angle reference of blade 2 [rad]
- 4: Pitch angle reference of blade 3 [rad]
- 5: Power reference [W]
- 6: Filtered wind speed [m/s]
- 7: Filtered rotor speed [rad/s]
- 8: Filtered rotor speed error for torque [rad/s]
- 9: Bandpass filtered rotor speed [rad/s]
- 10: Proportional term of torque contr. [Nm]
- 11: Integral term of torque controller [Nm]
- 12: Minimum limit of torque [Nm]
- 13: Maximum limit of torque [Nm]
- 14: Torque limit switch based on pitch [-]
- 15: Filtered rotor speed error for pitch [rad/s]
- 16: Power error for pitch [W]
- 17: Proportional term of pitch controller [rad]
- 18: Integral term of pitch controller [rad]
- 19: Minimum limit of pitch [rad]
- 20: Maximum limit of pitch [rad]
- 21: Torque reference from DT damper [Nm]
- 22: Status signal [-]
- 23: Total added pitch rate [rad/s]
- 24: Filtered pitch angle [rad]
- 25: Flag for mechnical brake [0=off/1=on]
- 26: Flag for emergency pitch stop [0=off/1=on]
- 27: LP filtered acceleration level [m/s^2]
- 28: Rotor speed exlusion zone region [-]
- 29: Filtered tower top acc. for tower damper [m/s^2]
- 30: Reference pitch from tower damper [rad]
Controller Status¶
The output number 22 returns a controller status flag that can be usefull to better understand the behaviour of the controller under operations. The flag can have the following values:
- -2 when the turbine in idling before cut-in and the controller is pitching out;
- -1 during the start-up procedure;
- 0 when the controller is operating in power production;
- 1 shutdown activated when the filtered generator speed is higher than the overspeed limit.
- 2 shutdown activated when Input 10 is not 0.
- 4 normal shutdown activated when with the timer Input 26;
- 5 emergency shutdown activated when with the timer Input 26;
- 3 shutdown activated when filtered tower top acceleration is higher than the safety limit.
- 6 shutdown activated when the generator speed is negative.